Day 9 - Lookie Lookie

So, this morning was the CT scan.  I ate my piece of dry toast for breakfast on my way to VGH.  CT scan was quick (about 5 minutes) and on time.

Then I headed back to the lodge, had my shower and got ready for the day.  Back to contacts today now that the chemo is 48 hours over - I hate wearing glasses, especially in the rain.

Setup in the 'Den' and tried to get some computer work done and keep my mind off my growling gut.

Headed over for my ultrasound (late and long), and then up to the day unit for my IV Antifungal, Fluids, and Bloodwork.

And Food - A Yummy meal replacement bar, a bag of sunchips.  My tastebuds are definitely gone now.

CT Scan results were good, and the fungal infection is going down in the lungs, but the Ultrasound shows no change in the liver.  This is not unusual.  Things are not worse, and that is the key.  The bummer is that I will be daily at VGH for some time to come (weeks).  I was hoping for a day off this weekend to be able to go home for a visit.  Sonja and the boys will probably make a visit this Sunday if everything works out.

The liver is still working OK.

Numbers were W 0.1, N 0, H 85, P 32, so no transfusions today, but I am scheduled for both red and platelets tomorrow to hopefully tank me up for the weekend.

All in all, not feeling too bad today, but I know the worse stuff is yet to hit.


I know I'll talk to you in an hour or so, but still...

When you say your liver is 'ok', do you mean



Dude said…
OK, as in Working Normal, and not presently showing any issues from the infection.
Anonymous said…
Hi richard, Woke up to snow this morning but now rain, very high wind, and damn cold.Just had my Timmies and now heading home to play with my loom. so glad all is going just as expected. I miss you and will be anxious to get back to B.C. When your #,s are back up I am sure the fungus will start to clear up as well since you will be on the drugs.All my friends ask and think about you everyday. Love for now, Mom
Anonymous said…
too lazy to sign in- it's Erica

Congrats on the last day of Chemo. Sorry that you may have to feel worse before you get better... however... at least this time you can think to yourself this is the LAST time your tastebuds will ever disappear and come back... this is the LAST time you'll have to worry about your liver and this is the last time you'll have to worry about breathing and getting a fungus infection!

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