Day 10 - Grapefruit Juice and Tomato Sauce

Again, not feeling too bad.

The 'roids are starting to develop, so they are going to preemptively add a intestinal antibiotic to my cocktail to prevent anything sneaking in from that.

They started me right off with platelets, which was good because the count was only 21, and then followed up with a bag of hemoglobin.

They didn't give me the second bag, since my count came back 3 points higher at 88.  Chances are someone/thing miscounted in the lab either yesterday or today, because I didn't get 3 points from my marrow.  Maybe aliens.

The pre-meds (to prevent a reaction to the transfusion) hit me pretty hard today, and I was sleeping most of the stay.

I may get the second bag tomorrow or Sunday.

My roommate Don is out for the weekend in another room with his wife, so as long as no new sickie shows up I will probably have the weekend to myself.

Chances are they will keep Don where he is so I will probably have a new roommate Monday.

In tomorrow bright and early at 8am to get it done.  Should be short unless they have to give me blood.


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