Day 15 - Nothing

W 0.1 / N 0 / H 94 / P 35

Hemoglobin and Platelets were over the cutoff, so I didn't need any products today.  Only the Micafungin anti-fungal IV drip, so I was out within 2 hours.

Not much going on today.  I will probably venture out later to pick up a razor and shaving cream as my hair has started to come out.

Ass is sore, but stable.


Anonymous said…
Hi Richard
Lovely Remembrance Day weather here on the East Coast--at least I thought so--I guess I am used to below 0 temperatures and snow when I was in Labrador! Read Sonja's blog--I would advise you to get as much rest as possible now because I think she will be very "demanding" when you finally get home--especially if those eyebrows keep growing!!! Glad to hear that steady progress is being made--now try to start visualizing that fungal infection disappearing. Take care, Elva

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