Day 28 - Day Pass

W 2.0 / H 0.9 / H 94 / P 64

Rushed in for 8am, got my blood taken, and secured a bed for the lumbar puncture later.  Then I rushed of to the Eye Center so they could look into my eye in detail.  The resident basically did the exact same thing the on-call resident did at the ER, and came to the same conclusion.  He had a confab with the Attending, and he had a look at it, and confirmed the theory.  There are some small hemorrhages on the retina and the big one, that I can see.

Next step will be an eye imaging on Tuesday with a funky dye in the blood stream to see if it's a flow blockage vs a flow leak.  Then a follow up appointment a week later.

Then, back to LBMT to get my Micafungin IV, Fluids, etc. Since my Hemo and Plates were good, I managed to get away without a transfusion, but still had to wait around for the fluids to finish, and then for the lumbar puncture.

They gave me 2 Adavan pills to mellow me out.  I don't have a problem with needles or pain, but I have a big problem with paralysis so there was a fair bit of anxiety around the procedure.  Especially after the first attempt they hit a nerve bundle and my legs freaked out like a frog on a battery.

Dr. Z did the procedure, and it was a breeze.  The freezing hurt, but after that I felt nothing.  Hit got into the sac right away, and did the collection, then the injection of Chemo, and then removed the needle.  No pain or discomfort at all.

I will still be subjected to other symptoms ( Back Pain, Headaches, etc.), but this one was much better.

The CT Scan and Ultrasound showed a big improvement in the fungus in my lungs and liver, but that were some new nodules in the lungs.  They are going to stop the Micafungin, and just work with Vorconizole (pill) for now, and do another CT Scan/Ultrasound in two weeks.

This all means that tomorrow, for the first day in almost 6 weeks I don't have an appointment at the LBMT.  I get a day pass !

I am back again on Friday to see what's what with my blood.  Monday is appointments with the Thrombosis clinic, Tuesday is with the Eye clinic, and Dr. Nevill himself in the afternoon.

As long as I can manage to not break anything else, going home soon is on track.

Tomorrow I will spend trying to get the Ministry of Social Housing to pay for my medical stay here at the lodge.  The paperwork has been signed by the Doc, and submitted - I just need to find out if it is approved and setup.  I may have to beg and appeal, but I can do that.


Anonymous said…
Hi Richard
I know your mom will be very happy to read this blog--or at least happy that the spinal tap went OK. I was talking to her last night and she is anxious to see you again. Of course, you realize that she will be leaving this wonderful NS weather, so make sure you don't tell her that the Vancouver dampness is making her hair frizzy or that her raincoat and rubber boots make her look fat!!! Hope you get your day pass!
Take care, Elva
I don't know. I'm pretty glad that he lived through that!

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