Day 30, 31, 32, 33

Day 30
Don't have the numbers handy, but Whites & Neutrophils were not down at least.  Platelets had dropped below 50, so I got a transfusion.  Hemoglobin was still holding, so no blood.

Diner was "Seafood Chow Mein", and that sounded disgusting enough for me to have a quick snooze off of the transfusion pre-meds, and drive through rush hour to spend the night home !

Day 31

No appointments today, so I get to be at home for the whole day, and night !
I did my daily exercise by going grocery shopping - Sonja hates it, especially with both boys, and I find it calming.

Sonja had a "Girls Craft Night" planned, and Gram and Papa were coming out to watch the boys on Saturday Night.  I still only have about 2-3 hours endurance at anything, so they still came out.  We all watched "Up".  Good Movie.

Day 32

Up early for a 9am appointment, but both boys woke up before I left so I was able to give big hugs and goodbyes.  Traffic was nice and light.
Blood and Platelets were just over the cut off, but since I was not going to be in the next day, they tanked me up with both.
W & N were just up a little bit (2.2 / 1.2)

Day 33

Only an appointment with the Thrombosis Dr. this morning.  He feels that going forward with removing the Hickman line as soon as possible is a good idea.  Tomorrow I have the IV Dye Eye Photography in the morning, then back to the LBMT clinic in the afternoon, and a meeting with my Primary, Dr. Nevill
After tomorrows numbers, and the meeting, I will have the near term game plan. 
My hope is to be checking out of the lodge Wednesday morning as long as nothing new comes up.


Anonymous said…
Hi Richard
Well, hopefully we will both be on the road on Wednesday! I'm heading to Baddeck with Kadin and you will be heading to Abbotsford. I just finished my Costco shopping--I guess the love of shopping there must run in our genes!! Three complete meals in one no-extra-preparation tinfoil pan--how good is that!!! I will be in Baddeck for three nights, so will certainly get to see your grandmother and tell her your latest updates. Praying for good reports and an easy-to-follow game plan. Hi to Sonja and hugs to the boys. Take care, Elva

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