Day 24,25,26 - Whew..

Sorry for the lack of updates.  It's been quite a weekend.

Sat 24th - W 2.0 / N 1.2 / H 90? / P 19
Got platelets.  Since I was feeling good enough, Sonja and the Boys picked me up in the afternoon, and I spent the evening and morning at home.
It was great to be back home for a night.  I needed the refresher.
I was not given a shot of GCSF as planned from the previous day since my whites were going up.

Sun 25th - W 1.7 / N 0.7 / H 90? / P 34
No platelets, and the Hemoglobin seems to be holding.
My whites went down though, so there is some concern, and they shoot me up with another injection of GCSF

Sunday afternoon while working on the computer, I started to notice a problem looking at the screen.  After trying different things, I work out that I have a grey blotch in my left eye view, just left of center in my field of view.  My brain is working out what should be there by using the right eye's view, but if I close my right eye, it's pretty apparent.

Off to the ER.

Just under 4 hours later (quickest ER visit I have ever had), the on call ophthalmologist  determined that I had some blood on my retina.  It is not serious, and in most cases it will clear up in a few days.  I have an eye appointment on Wednesday for some funky photographs to make sure that the initial diagnosis is correct.

Mon 26th - W 5.7 / N 4.0 / H 95 / P 24

So, the white cells have spiked up and over.  No more GCSF.  They will be trying to keep my platelet levels over 50 now (instead of 30) to minimize any further eye problems.  Platelets today.

Then I was off to the Heart Center this afternoon, to be fitted for my portable EKG machine.  Now I have a bunch more cables off my chest.

Tomorrow I have more platelets in the morning, then back to the Heart Center to have the EKG removed, then off to the CT Scan, then off to the Ultrasound, and then I get to eat.


Wednesday I should have the results from the scans, and we will get to know what the next game plan is.


Was worried about you all night.

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