Friday ? Let's just skip that one.

All in all Friday wasn't too bad, I had some heart problems Wednesday morning (tight chest pain, and some radiating in the arm). It was early in the morning (4am) after a vomit ride, so I was half asleep during the event.

I mentioned it to the nurse, and that set off a flurry of activity that culminated on Friday. They had seen some "ensyme" markers that showed some heart distress, but couldn't find anything else wrong. The chemo drugs can cause issues with the heart muscle.

So, to be on the safe side, there was a lot of Cardiologists visiting me on Friday, and a Heart Ultrasound, and some drugs, etc. All terribly exciting for the doctors. I just wanted to sleep.

I am having a big issue with food of late - The thought of the next meal being dropped off makes me ill. I havn't had to vomit on a full stomach yet (thank god), but I am sure it will come.

I always feel better after I vomit, or maybe it's just that it's so bad, that the aftermath feels better in comparison.

Oh well..

Good news is that Sonja arrived last night to stay over with me in my downtown condo. She wanted to sleep in my bed, but I wasn't falling for that this time - I had a special unit just for her. Last time that happened she moved it, followed by Marriage and Kids.

I was pretty much a killjoy the whole time though, sleeping and such. But we got to cuddle and be close, and she got to just "be" there for me, which was what I really wanted. Thanks so much for everyone who made it possible for her to stay over.

This morning Sonja was woken up to a vomit session, but after that, and some drugs, we were able to sleep in until about 8:30 when my daily blood sucking time was up.

Sonja was able to do some blogging, I did some sleeping, and we did some dosing. It was very nice, and handy to be able to get things from the other side of the room. It's quite a chore having to pack up and disconnect your gear, just to get to the other side of the bed.

Well, this is me being tired again. Caught up on my Digg, got some work processing done, so I am going to bag out till the "Dinner Meal"


You were not a killjoy. You were just right.
Happy Father's Day, babe. Love you.

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