Day 2,3,4

Sorry for the lack of updates.  When I don't post for a day or two, you can be sure that I am not having a Happy Fun Time.

Auntie Kim took the boys for most of Wednesday and Thursday so Sonja could come spend the night with me.  Thanks soo much Kim !

My food had been buggered up again, and a cold hard boiled egg and cold porridge just isn't going to happen with the constant nauseua.

Sonja arrived in the early afternoon, and we sorted through laundry, went though the pictures from the boys, etc.

I was feeling pretty crappy, so I was in the bed sleeping most of the time, but it was great to have her there, even an arm on my leg, or a kiss on the cheek every so often.  I am having some very bad upper abdominal pain, and it is making it very hard to eat, move, sit, think, etc.

While Sonja was here, the nausea hit pretty hard.  I was sitting up on the bed for awhile trying to stabilize myself while the nurse found  a clean bucket to barf into.  I got about one heave into it, and next thing I remember was Sonja holding my head in her arms, and a bunch of nurses all talking to me.  It was all like I was in a dream.  Sonja was conscious during the event, so her version on the blog will probably be the better source.

As a result, that was about it for me for that day, and most of the next day too.  Sleep, drink what I can, eat pretty much nothing.  I was portered over to the Cancer Agency Dentist yesterday afternoon for them to look into my loose crown.
There is no easy way to fix it in my current condition, so they simply pulled out the crown, and it came out clean with the post intact.  It might be able to be refitted, if not then there is yet something else to worry about after this.

Right now I am sporting the couch potato/hockey player look.  It's been about 30 years since I had a missing tooth.  Strange feeling.

Today has been a bit better.  The upper abdominal issues have gone down quite a bit, and I was able to eat a bit of breakfast, and lunch.  It was platelets and hemoglobin today, so the premeds had me asleep until this afternoon.  I figured a beter get my lazy ass out of bed and write me some blog.

Wed numbers W3.0 H101 P29
Thu numbers W0.7 H94 P14
Fri numbers W0.2 H77 P12

For those who don't remember,
W=White Cells (fights off the viruses/bacteria)
H=Hemoglobin - Carries the Oxygen around, so I can move.  My shower today was like climbing a mountain and was dead tired after it was done.
P=Platelets - Grout for patching up broken holes they still find a reason to put into me


Anonymous said…
Enjoyed visiting with you. Sorry to hear that you were feeling so crappy after. That really sucks. I'm glad Sonja was there. You've got a great gal! Hope to see you in a couple weeks again if you're up for it.


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