Current plan

So, here is the current situation.

Tomorrow morning, they will be taking my routine blood work, and if needed I will be getting platelets and/or hemoglobin as required, in hospital.

My numbers are not falling very fast, which is good, the symptoms are not getting much worse, and my fever is under control.  I am in a good position for checking into the lodge.

Tomorrow afternoon, Sonja and I, and perhaps the boys, will be moving my stuff from VGH to the Cancer lodge where I will be checking in for some time to come.

Of course, if my temp spikes, etc., yada-yada-yada, everything changes.

They have a few possible candidates in the world match database for a transplant, and they are also looking into cord blood as a possibility to expand the match.  So far no "sweet" match, it's sort of a "best we can get" situation.

I will be having another biopsy once my numbers start to return to see if the chemo put me in remission.  If not, then it's probably out of the lodge, and back to the hospital for another induction round.

Sometime, after I am in remission, and there is a bone marrow match good enough to risk the transplant, I will be going back into hospital for a prolonged stay with another round of intense chemotherapy  and/or full body irradiation to destroy my existing marrow.  I'll save the rest of the details for another time - it gives me the willies.

As incentive to get out of here, tonights dinner looked exactly like cat barf with a side of mashed potatoes.  Having never tasted cat barf, I can only speculate on the taste similarity.

My funny bone is starting to heal.


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