
Another rough night, but I managed to get some sleep on and off.  There is a lot on my mind, and the stress combined with the change in diet is doing a number on the digestive system - at least that is what I'm told.  I don't understand this stress thing they're talking about.  Medical mumbo jumbo.

My 48 hour quarantine will be lifted tonight, and I will be allowed to Leave My Room !  It's a small freedom, as I am still not allowed off the floor, but I can at least do something more then walking in place.  In a few days, once the chemo hits, I doubt I will find it as exciting.

Sonja and the boys are planning on showing up later this afternoon to bring all the things I forgot, and to visit for as long as Dexter remains stable :)


Anonymous said…
Ya, gotta love all the medical jargon. 3 cheers for lifting the quarantine. Gots to have your freedom.

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