Wow.. Friday Again ?

Whew.. Sorry for the lack of updates. It's been a nasty week.

Tuesday. Pretty uneventful.
I managed to get some things done on the computer, and get caught up on some stuff.

Tuesday night, my temperature started to climb, as usual. This time it made it up to 38.1, and that is the temperature that I decided I would call at (after the "Don't be a Hero Billy" talk). I have had a temperature of 38.1 at night in the hospital by the way.

So, shortly after 10pm at night, I called the after hours number and gave them the low down.

The nurse asked me a bunch of questions, but basically, it came down to the fact that I felt fine and had no other symptoms, so there really wasn't anything to be concerned about. I should call back if the fever gets worse, like 38.8, or if I start feeling bad.

Well, gee, thanks.
Oh well, I did what they said, and the response was as expected.

By the time I went to bed just after 11, the temperature was back down to 37.9, and continued dropping.

The next day was my regular appointment

Ok, so my appointment was a 2pm, it was supposed to be an uneventful trip. Take some blood, get my numbers, get a transfusion if needed, head home, come back in 3 more days, etc.

Well, turns out all hell breaks loose when you call in with a possible fever. It doesn't matter if it came back down. It doesn't matter if you normally run high.

Blood Samples upon blood samples, and I have been scheduled for daily intravenous drips of 3 different types of antibiotics, one of which takes 2 hours to drip.

For the next 6 days - Every Day !

And, to boot, the nasty two hour one winds up, right at the end, giving me a horrible reaction called "Red Man", and my face turns flush red, and it feels like my head is going to explode. So just as I was about to go home, I wind up needed to infusions of Benadryl so that my face can stay on.

Ah yes, Benadryl. 50 ML.
Richard is out for the rest of the day, and I feel like crap the whole time. Later that night the diarea started, probably due to the drugs.

I felt fine when I arrived.

I feel so good about calling at 38.1

Other things we talked about that day was my Cough, which has come back, and a mouth sore on my back right cheek that is making it VERY hard to eat.

They take a swab of the area, and schedule me for another chest x-ray on Thursday.

Good news - My platelets have gone through the roof and are up to over 200, and the red were up another point. I don't remember exactly but the white count was way up to 1.5 I think - Still no "Working" white cells (Neutrophils)

Ok, so the day started not feeling too bad, but then the small amount of food I was able to eat for breakfast ran out, and I started to feel like crap, the fever went up at the hospital. I got the x-ray done before my appointment (very speedy, like 15 minutes start to finish).

I feel like crap, the mouth sore has gotten worse, and the doctor can now see the ulcer clearly. I get prescribed yet another antibiotic in pill form to add to my mix that should help, and I am to double my antiviral dosage.

The antibiotics / benadryl just floor me so no blog update again.

Good news - I finally have some Neutrophils - 0.05, my Platelets are up over 300, Red at 97, White at 2 point something. The neutrophils are as good as nothing, but at least they have finally shown up to the party.

Oh no.. I hate Friday. What will today bring ?

I feel much better today. Mostly because I have been trying very hard to eat something, and the Boost shake (yuck) probably helped (and the Jello).

We get to the hospital, and check the board. A single room has been set aside for me. This is very unusual, as rooms are first come first serve, so it seems that I have been sent to this room for Isolation since the cultures must have come back, and I do have something.

At least this wasn't for nothing.

Well, no.
It turns out that my nurse was just being nice and saved me a bed since I was probably going to fall asleep from the Benadryl.

As usual I get bagged from the drugs, but I have managed to recover early enough to update the blog.

Some good news, my Neutrophils have shot WAY up, it even surprised the doctor a bit, all the way up to 0.7. My white cells are up to 3.5, the Platelets up to 388, and the Red at 94 (down a bit, but still good)

With the Neutrophils up that high, I get to stop the anti-fungal, but I still have keep the anti-viral, and the new antibiotic for my Cheek (which seems to be getting better).

Also, I don't have to have any more IV antibiotics. So just an assessment tomorrow, and then I get Sunday and Monday off.

Tuesday Morning is my next biopsy, Tuesday Afternoon is to see the BC Cancer Agency Dentist, and Wednesday is a meeting with the doctor to get the biopsy results.

Friday's are not always bad.

Sorry for spelling mistakes/grammar - I had to write fast while I had the energy.


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