Pretty Basic Friday Stuff, in 3D !

Ok, so this Friday stuff is getting a bit silly now.

Wednesday night, I started to have some neck pain around my Jugular vein where my Hickman line goes in. It continued in the morning, and even though is seemed to get better, it didn't continue getting better. There was also swelling with the pain, so I called the clinic. I had no fever, and felt fine otherwise, so they scheduled me for a visit in the morning today. The pain is pretty incapacitating, and since it is ruining what little sleep I was getting at night, I am getting even more tired.

Sonja and Dexter dropped me off at the hospital and went on to have an full day, and I went in to get an Ultrasound of the area.

Blood Clot, in the jugular, around the hickman line.


Now I need to give myself daily injections of a blood thinner for the next forever to prevent further clots while my body slowly dissolves the existing one.

As an added bonus, I need to give myself 20000 units of the stuff, and the largest syringe is 17000 - so I need two shots of 10000 each. None of which seems to be available anywhere in the Fraser Valley Area. Being a weekend, they can't get any until Monday, so it looks like I might be stuck giving myself 4 x 5000 unit shots until Friday, or driving all the way back into the Vancouver to hunt for drugs.

Blood counts are super good though, above where I was when I stared all this stuff. If this blood clot thing didn't happen, I probably would have been able to have a normal person weekend. I guess that's why Leukaemia sucks.

Driving home was a nightmare. As always, since it was a Sunny Friday, all the City folk dust off their drivers licence and venture way out into the boonies like Langley, or Abbotsford, or mega huge adventures to camping areas in the middle of nowhere - Hope or Chilliwack. (for those not familiar with the area, think of some major city near you, then add 1 hour normal driving outside of it for Abbotsford, or 2 hours normal driving for Hope/Chilliwack).

Since none of them have any clue on how to actually drive, they always seem to manage to somehow flip their car on it's roof at like 40km/h, across 3 lanes, and usually just before or after one of the precious few bridges that allow us regular Valley folk to get home.

I'm sorry, but if you manage to get your vehicle dirty side up at 40km/h, you should be pushed into the median and left there to rot.

Oh, and for more bonus points somehow something has gone wrong with the right front end of Sonja's Car. It's seems grinding on right turns. I have some theories, and if I didn't get myself into a position where I can bleed to death out a small cut, I would probably have been working on fixing it tomorrow. No we can probably get to give some repair joint a $1000 to install a new brake calipier.

Ah, Friday. You make every other day seem so much better.


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