When in doubt, Ice Cream.

Ok, so I am over my Friday event.
Just to clarify, I knew that there was more likely then not going to be more Chemo, and that this whole journey was going to be many months long.
It's just that the Doctors in the past were more "Optimistic", and there was the possibility that if everything when well, there might be only one consolidation round of Chemo, and then watching me. This doctor just plain says "There will be three more rounds".
I am the kind of person who likes to prepare for the worst, and hope for the best. I prefer to be more pessimistic so that I can prepare for the worst. It makes me a good computer programmer, and it also makes it easier to "Look on the Bright Side of Life".
Anyway, the important thing is my tastebuds.
Yes, those little bastards on your tongue that work out Bitterness, Saltiness, Sourness, Sweetness, and Umami .
Well, it seems, as expected, and common to many people who have Chemo, is that some of these guys decided to take a hike. Unfortunately the only ones who stuck around seem to be Bitterness and Umami.
Many people report a Metalic or Chemical taste to their food, but I am certain that I am only getting the Bitterness and Umami out of everything I eat.
It's surprising how many things have Bitter components to them - Well, literally everything. So, eating is a less then pleasant experience. Bread, bitter. Eggs, bitter. Potato Chips, bitter. Pop, bitter. Water, bitter. You get the idea. Adding sugar to hashbrowns doesn't help, doesn't make them taste less bitter, and no amount of salt seems to make it through anything I put it on.
Well, it seems that Safeway's house brand Cookie Dough Ice Cream is missing most of it's bitter component, and the cold seems to make some of other tastes work a bit. I will have to continue my research and expand the samples to many other types of ice cream product ;)
See how much better Saturday is ?