Guess What ? It's Friday

So, we know what that means.

First day free, and first day back to the Outpatient Unit at 2pm today for blood work and assessment.

My numbers are still going down, but they were not as down as I thought. Due to the fact that I have no working white cells yet, I will be back on Sunday for another assessment, and most likely another transfusion.

As always the nurses at the BMT Outpatient unit are super nice, and I had two today as one was new to this unit after leaving 10 years ago, and was going over the new procedures. They cleaned up my Hickman line, and watched as I did the normal home cleaning on it after. They loaded me up with more supplies for cleaning, and some Hydrogen Peroxide to clean up the scabbing that is still occurring.

Then the nurse came in. I have met her before, and while her bedside manner is not the most pleasant she gives it straight up, and in the end, I appreciate that.

Except that it's Friday. Remember, there is a reason I hate Fridays.

So, she laid out the whole thing.

The Bone Marrow test I just had accounts for bugger all. It basically is to show that yes, the Chemo worked, and killed a whole lot of cancer down to where they couldn't see it anymore. If it was a bad result, I would have had another one in a few days to see if it just took a bit longer.

It was a good result - but not any indication that they "Got" the cancer. Just that the 7-3 treatment worked on me to kill a bunch of stuff. If they just left it as it was, then in 6 or so months, I would have cancer again.

Next, 14 days after that biopsy, they will do another one. Based on the results of that, they will decide what types of Chemo I will be getting for the NEXT 3 ROUNDS.

WTF ? Next 3 rounds !

Yay Friday.

She then went on to give me the "Young Male" talk about how she has seen a lot of younger men who feel the need to be "Strong" and not call in right away when they have a fever or any symptoms, and wind up dead in a few hours because they waited to long to call the unit and get an assessment. They way she told it, it seemed that obviously one / more of her patients were the one that wound up dead because he had a fever and didn't call it in right away because he felt fine.


The nurses later told me that the Berry Festival, even though it is outdoor, would probably NOT be a good idea to go to.

Damn it.

I am having a pain in the neck, but it's not Sonja. It feels like I slept wrong, and got a kink in my neck, but I mentioned it to the Doctor at the Outpatient Unit today, and I have a Ultrasound on Wednesday to make sure there is nothing going on there.


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