Poke Poke Jab Jab

This morning was my appointment at the thrombosis clinic.

You see, I have this big hunk of clotted blood having a big old party in my right Jugular. Like most parties, the cool dudes hang out in the kitchen, AKA, the Hickman line.

So, to prevent the party from getting any bigger, they are cutting off the beer supply with something slightly more funky and cooler sounding than Rat Poison (Warfarin) and way more sellable - Fragmin !

I get to shoot this stuff into my belly once a day, and sometime down the road I get to stop. Along the way the chances are good that a small hunk of this will NOT break off and kill me, or even worse make me speak like Jamie Oliver on the Food Network.

After speaking with the Blood Clot doctor today, they have switched me to a different vendor for the blood thinner so I can only have to take one shot a day. They also have a good old fashioned syringe instead of an extra funky super safety one that has a ricochet retracting needle.

Tomorrow I visit the dentist at the Cancer Agency to get a dental cleaning, and late in the afternoon I will be seeing my Primary Doctor, Dr. Neville, with the results of the last bone marrow biopsy, and the treatment plan going forward.

The Lumbar Puncture has been postponed for now due to the blood thinner, since there is a high risk of paralysis due to bleeding.

I am feeling pretty good, so that means Chemo will be staring again soon. I even did a full run of grocery shopping this evening - Yes, being able to do mundane chores is nice.


Hopefully Richard will reply...
but, in the meantime, I think his answer would be that he wouldn't want to go through the Hickman Line procedure again. Otherwise, you've asked a very intriguing and valid question and I would also like to hear the answer.
Dude said…
Yes, that is correct.
Doing so would require slicing into my neck again, cutting open my jugular and cutting out the now grown in hickman line.

Then cutting me open at the exit port, cutting out the now grown in hickman line, and threading the whole thing out from under my flesh in one peace without breaking any off inside.

Then sewing me all back up, and as it seems, crossing their fingers.

Then, later when I need chemo (I get it for 6 days every 30), they would have to do it all over again.

So, a good question, but hopefully the scope of the Hickman line is now clear.

The WORST part of all this so far has been the Hickman line even though I fully appreciate having it there (instead of being a human pin cushion).
Dude said…
..and the speling and werd mistakes all all just for you and sOnja.

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