Hurry up and Wait

So, I went in on Thursday for my CT scan and bloodwork. I still have a fungal infection. Some of it is near the chest wall, and that explains the pain, and some is near the middle and that "might" explain the coughing.

They are still not sure why I have a fever.

They are also not sure why my Hemoglobin is only at 86, and my Platelets are only at 91.
By this time last round I would have been around 120/300.

The low hemoglobin explains why it very hard to do much, and why I black out for a second or two after a big coughing spell.

I have been taking a prescription strength cough suppressant for a few days now, but it's certainly not working enough to justify the $45 is cost (Cough Suppressants are not covered). A steady supply of Ricola keeps it at bay, but my mouth is pretty raw.

Anyway, long and short, is after talking amongst themselves on Thursday, they were unable to figure what is going on with me, and that we should postpone the next round of Chemo until I recover. I am back in on Sunday for bloodwork to see if my numbers are up, and then again on Tuesday for the same and a chest xray.

So, we wait.


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