Day One

I get up with Sonja around 5:30 (she is going to work today).
Have a shower, and start packing. Finished just after 10, and go to the office to try and get some things finished up before chemo. Around 12, leave there and head to Sonja's school to drop off her cell phone. Boot it in to Vancouver and check in to the cancer lodge with about an hour before my appointment. The checkin and tour takes awhile, and I am rushing out of there at 13:45 for my 14:00 appointment.

I get there a few minutes late, calm myself down and start to take my vitals. I have some sniffles, so I let them know. Temperature is normal fever level (37.3), my couch is still there, etc.

Around 14:45 I am hooked up and on a 3 hour IV journey.
I am booked for another CT scan and Abdominal Ultrasound on the 5th.

I get out around 6, go to the car, buy the 1 week pass, and then head to Granville Island to visit some friends that were broken. Headed back, parked the car, got the rest of my stuff from it, and headed to the lodge.

They had saved me some dinner since I missed dinner hour (yuck, but not as bad as VGH).

Ate in the rec area, then headed up to my room. Chatted up with my room mate a bit, turned on the laptop to get some stuff done, and then called it a night around 10. Bit of sneezing and runny nose.

Crappy sleep, up every hour, tossing and turning, etc.

One day down.


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