Be careful what you wish for.

So, looks like they are going to start Chemo tomorrow since the chest x-ray looked better. Again with alternating afternoon/morning doses for 6 days.

I had been slacking off on preparing since it didn't look like they were going to do anything soon, so it will be a flurry of activity today to get prepared.

I will be staying at the cancer lodge about 5 min away from the hospital for a month. If the last round is any indication, it will be a doosie.


Al & Bren said…
Richard good luck and I hope you do better and keep that heart in check.
Thinking alot about you and wishing you lots of healing thoughts and of course our love.. be good and don't get too comfy there!!!
love Al and Bren x0x0x0x0x0x0x0

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