Day Four

Hey, I feel pretty good this morning.

Get up, shower, get dressed. Boot it down to the dining room to get some breakfast (only a 1 hour window).

As with every breakfast, you have a choice of eggs.
Sometimes you will be offered added undercooked potato cubes. I overheard them being referred to as hash browns, but that can't be right.

No butter, most health instituions feel that giving you cancer causing synthetic chemical facimilies is far better.

Not tasting too bad, I was able to finish up about a third of the meal,  then headed back to my room to pack up for my 9:30 chemo.

I give Sonja a call, and tell her that if I still feel OK after chemo, I'll head out to be there for Halloween, and she can drive me back the next day for my 2:30 appointment.

Chemo goods good - I am still under respratory isolation there, but they have stopped the Antibiotics.  This is good, since in means no Benadryl, which means I can drive.

I make it home in about an hour, get home, sit down for a bit, as the day is starting to catch up on me, and shortly there after barf in the sink.  Not much there, since I am not eating much, and I was past my food eating time for a pill I need to take.

Headed out to Sonja's parents, went out with the Sonja & Ken & the Boys trick-er-treating around their neighborhood.  Then we hung out and Gram and Papa's for a few hours and headed home for around 10.

Very beat and sick now, but all well worth it.  Chemo is catching up.
The worst is yet to come.

I don't have the numbers handy, but they were pretty close the previous ones.


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