Day Two

Woke up stuffed up, and nauseous (Chemo has that effect). Took a gravol and tried to get back to sleep.

Tossed and turned around 7:45, when we got up for breakfast (closes at 8:30).
Didn't feel very good, and only ate a bit of my breakfast.

When to VGH, and got there around 9 for my 9:30, did my vitals after resting, and my temp had gone up to 38.3.
Well, they start freaking out (the only thing different from yesterday was the temp), and they are all wearing gowns and masks, and I am masked up, etc.

Anyway, I can't leave my VGH bed during my treatment to prevent exposure, which was fine since I slept most of the time. They were in contact with the lodge to see what to do with me.

They decide to throw in some IV Antibiotics into the fray, and I am there until just after 3:30.
I slog my way to the Pharmacy to drop off my prescriptions, and get an umbrella (damn rain). Then slog my way back to the lodge where they have moved my roommate into his own room, and placed him in isolation (Ooops Sorry), and the same for me.

Diner was brought up to me (yuck) and I pecked away it it. Meal Replacement Bars are my ticket now.

Crashed on the bed until a few minutes ago, and started doing some processing, and updating the blog.

I though it was Friday today.. Damn.

Going back to sleep.


Anonymous said…
Your mom told me that you changed something that allows us "followers" to post--trying it now for the first time. Just trying to pass along some extra endurance via the internet--hope it works! Thinking about you. Elva
Anonymous said…
It worked!!! Now lets hope all those drugs work as well!! Elva

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