Up late, can't sleep, might as well blog.

So, it's almost 4am, and I can't sleep.  To much on my mind - Is the furnace going to be ok, car ok, etc, etc, etc..  I could get an Adavan to help me, but I seem so awake, and have some energy, so I figure I will post a blog update.

I haven't been awake all night, just since about 2:30.

Last post was on Wednesday so this will cover a few days.
Everything is pretty much the same.  High fever, bloating the comes and goes with visits to the crapper, no desire to eat, everything tastes like chemicals, and I have no energy to do much more then a walk around the floor every few hours.

Friday night, and most of Saturday Sonja was here with me.  I miss her so much and I can't describe how much better it is just to have her near, even if it's just in the chair reading a book.  Thanks to all the Grandma's and Grandpa's and GrandDan's that made it a possibility.

Of course, the next day or two is like having the drugs taken away, and I go through a bit of withdrawal.  Sad stories on tv, glancing at the boys pictures, anything sets me off, and I am leaking from my eyes.  Within reason - I am a guy, and this is a shared accommodation, so I am not like some blithering heap. 

I am working only by laptop light so I can't see the calendar with my numbers.  In short, I seem to have a stable 0.1 White cell count, so hopefully that will start to come up soon.  I am still, and will be for some time, getting platelet and blood transfusions to keep them at good levels.


Sorry I woke you, Babe! You told me you were already awake!

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