Sit, Wait, Drink

Biopsy was Friday at 8:30.
Erica took the kids at the crack of dawn so Sonja and I could go in by ourselves and she could be there for the biopsy.

It looked like Dr. Mary would be up to the plate again, but no, it was Dr. Bernard.  Dr. Bernard is the one they send in to the "young men" to scare them into calling when their fever goes to high.  She was the one who gave me hell for going to the waterslides last year with a low immune system.

Dr. Bernard is a very different lady then Dr. Mary.  Her build is not very different, but the biopsy was powered by attitude instead of physical strength.

Needless to say it was one of the roughest, and quickest, biopsies I have had.

I am still not sure if that is a good thing or not.

Late Friday, Dr. Bernard called to say that the preliminary results look like I am in remission, that my next appointment will be Thursday, and that I will probably need to start doing consolidation chemo as they still do not have a bone marrow match.

I still feel like shit.  I sometimes think I am getting worse, fatigue wise.  I have been trying to do some of the grocery shopping in an effort to build back the muscle, and energy, but it's fighting an up hill battle.

I hope they will let me get to feeling a bit better before they start me up on another month long chemo ride.  We'll find out more on Thursday.


Oh man. You must be even more exhausted than I thought. I was expecting crazy detail on the biopsy. I guess I have to go back and update mine.
Anonymous said…
You're like the little engine that could eh? If you did Costco, that would make anyone tired (although if you were feeling like you had an apetite you could power up with all the free samples).


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