Just can't get enough..

So, I was in Friday for my 'bonus' appointment to check on my kidneys.  Everything was looking good for just a quick bloodwork, and then home.  They didn't even have me booked for fluids.

But, I forgot, it was Friday..

Results came back, and the kidneys were doing much better, but the Hemoglobin was down to 81.  For all you LBMT fan's out there, you know what that means !

Transfusion !

Of course, I don't have up to date blood cross match, and they didn't expect I would need it, so they didn't draw blood for one back at the start of my appointment.

I could see the writing on the wall.  I was going to be on the road before noon.  Now, it certainly looked like late afternoon.

Sure enough, by the time the cross match was done, and the blood arrived, and the two bags slowly dripped in, it was 5:15.  Rush hour.  On a Friday.

Yes, I still feel like crap.  Fortunately sitting in the truck, driving, is not very physically taxing, and pretty calming.  The disadvantage about being relaxed and calm while you drive in rush hour is that it adds about 30 min to the commute.  Got home just after 7pm.

Back again on Monday.  Sonja and the boys will be driving me in since I will be getting the anti-pneumonia drug which gives me some serious sinus congestion (pain) and just adds a heap of crappieness on top of whatever I am currently dealing with.


Anonymous said…
It's been a while since I've checked the blog...Sorry to hear it's not all roses. We are still praying for you and your recovery. Wishing you didn't have to do the drive as often....So amazed at your perseverance. Keep your chin up :)

Kim and Nathan

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