Frap Quggets

-Monday = Dosage Changes Again..

-Still in isolation when at LBMT due to virus.

-When test comes back negative, isolation restriction will be lifted.

-Had been rescheduled for Lung Function test on Tuesday at 8am.  There was no way I was going to be able to make that my current state so I had to call and cancel again.  I don't know why they rescheduled it for so soon, or so early.

-Other tests are scheduled for Thursday, and I am hoping to make it to them and get them out of the way.

-The drug level changes on Monday really messed me up by 5pm ish last night.  It was a pretty rough ride and I skipped eating.  Not eating lead to a very low blood sugar level.  I knew something was very wrong, and eventually did a blood sugar level, and quickly got some sugar juice in.  The drugs messing up my natural insulin were almost gone, but the artificial insulin was still active and forcing my level down.  I have to plan in the morning for the evening and sometimes it is wrong.

-Going to take it easy today to try and recover a bit for Thursday.  If I can be at the lodge for Wednesday/Thursday night I might take that path.


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