Day 100 Tests - Second Try

As mentioned in my last post, I was way to sick to be able to do the Lung Function tests they had rescheduled for me on Tuesday, but I was going to try and make the Thursday ones.

I wanted to get them out of the way, and even if I was still going to be messed up, I would probably be able to do them.  There was a Eye exam, Dental Exam, Blood Work, and CT Scan.

Thursday morning, I poured myself into the truck, and started the drive to the appointments.  I still have the cold, and combined with the drug level changes, I was not a happy camper.  I do find the driving relaxing though.  It's just too bad that with all the construction I have to plan for about a 2.5 hours drive.

The first was the Eye exam.  They needed to do a tear production test, and a general slit lamp exam.  The Dr. left a student in charge of doing the start of the exam, but he kept focusing on the previous stuff in my chart instead of the Day 100 tests that needed to get done (I had the Dental appointment coming up quick).

In hindsight I would say that he was not allowed to do the actual tests, and was just stalling until the Dr. came back.

Eventually the Dr. came back, started the tests, and put the dilation drops in for the slit lamp exam.  Since I needed to get to the dental exam, they let me head off for that while the drops took effect.

Off to the Cancer Agency for the dental exam.  They were pretty quick getting me in, did the Salivary Gland Exam (measuring how much saliva you produce), and a general dental inspection.  There was some GVHD signs along the cheeks, but it was a level the dentist was happy with.  Remember, some GVHD is a good thing.

I was done there in about an hour, and then back to the Eye Center to finish the exam.  By now, the drops were fully working, and of course, it was a sunny day.  I wasn't wearing my contacts, so I couldn't wear my sunglasses.  It was pretty darn hard trying to see where I was going, but I made it in and they quickly finished the remaining parts of the exam.  Everything looked ok, and they booked a follow up for the previous eye problems.

For those who were not following the blog during my first go round, there was a problem from the blood thinners I was on last time, and to make a long story short, I now have a 'dead' spot in my left eye from a hemorrhage.  It's a tear drop shaped zone just left of the center of my field of vision.  It's been well over a year with it now, so it will probably never heal (or get any worse).  My brain has worked around the problem using the view from the other eye, so I don't notice it day to day.

After the Eye Center, I headed off to the VGH Outpatient Lab for blood work.  They had me go there for bloodwork instead of the LBMT because I would still have to be in isolation and that would use up a room for the day. 

It did mean that I would have to get a needle (they don't do hickman) to draw the blood, and I now have a nasty bruise and hemorrhage lump at the needle site.  Low platelets still..

After that, it was off for the CT Scan.  I was about an hour early, but I didn't have anywhere else to go, and I was not feeling good enough to eat, so I checked in and just zoned out in the waiting room.

They were able to get me in about 20 min early.  About 5 min for the procedure, and I was finally done for the day.

I was pretty f'ed up by now, but slogged it back to the Cancer Agency parking lot, and I was on my way back home, about an hour earlier then expected.  Got a Bacon Double Cheeseburger from Wendy's on route, and headed home.

Got home, changed clothes, got into bed, and was out for about 4-5 hours.

It was a very full day, but the bulk of the tests have now been done.  There is only the lung function test, and I don't know when that will be.

I am in to LBMT on Tuesday, and also have an appointment with Dr. Nevill that day as well.

The taste buds have decided to take off again, so that and cold have been making it pretty hard to eat.  The Cancer Diet plan is working good this week.

In general, I still feel pretty crappy.  It's not too bad in the morning, but by the afternoon, I am right out of energy and it's hard to do anything more then just lay on the couch.


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