Getting yelled at..

T Day (Transplant) is October 28th.
In preparation for that day, there are a bunch of tests being done to make sure they don't kill me before they even get the goods in.

Today was a Lung Function test, a chest x-ray, a ECG, a slew of blood tests, and a day worth of piss test.  Well, the day of pissing into a bucket was yesterday.

The morning started at VGH at 8am (yuck) for the lung function test.  You get into an airtight booth, lip lock a spigot, and do what the tech screams at you.  Yes, screams at you.

She explained it all, then started the test, and then turned into a curling skip.  "Big Breath !! In, In, In, Keep Going, IN, IN, IN, Out Out !! Out, Hurry Hard !......."

Shocked me so much when she first went off, I messed up the first test.

Anyway, about 30 minutes of a lot of breathing all the way in, all the way out, holding it, etc.

Then off for the chest X-Ray, then up to LBMT for the blood work, and to drop off my bucket of piss.  They sure took out a lot of blood, and I was ready for a good nap when I got home (getting up at 4:45 am probably helped with that too).

After that, it was up to the Heart Diagnostics center to get the ECG, and I was done for the day - just after noon.

Everything is still a go for the 28th.  I will be admitted probably the on the 21st - give or take a day, and will start some nasty chemo shortly there after.  Starting on the Monday they will be wheeling me to the Cancer Agency for the full body radiation treatments.  On the 28th, they pump me full of "don't die" drugs, and hook up the bag of stem cells from the donor right into my hickman line.  It just drips in like a blood transfusion.

A nurse (along with Sonja, and Mom) will be present while the stem cells drip in to take care of any other weird reactions that take place.  Then we wait and see.

Next Tuesday, right after Thanksgiving, I am back into the LBMT for both a Bone Marrow Biopsy, and a Lumbar Puncture.  Yay me.. !


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