Drip Drip Drip

I have been feeling a lot better over the last few days, as far as the Flu like knock down is concerned.

Now it's just the myriad of side effects of Chemo to deal with like hemorrhoids, the runs, food issues, fatigue, low hemoglobin causing out of breath, everything tastes like bitter chemicals , insomnia, pills pills pills, chemical burns, hives, muscle and join pain, etc.

The list goes on, but it's only pain and discomfort now, and that is way easier to deal with then feeling like you have a bad flu.

Today was an early start and we had to be in a VGH for 8:30AM, and it is now just before 5pm. Very long day due to blood and platelet transfusion today, and also due to a critical shortage of Platelets.

Donate Blood / Platelets if you can, because guess what, it does save lives. Like me, most people do not donate until it affects someone they know.

Speaking of which, it turns out I am now "Damaged Goods" and will never be able to donate blood.


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