Cytarabine, Bad to the last drop.

Well, I think Sonja has been keeping some of the details going out on her blog.
The Lumbar Puncture that was slated to possibility be on Day 2, Afternoon, was scheduled for Day 3 Morning, at 9am.

It certainly worked out for the best, as it would have been pretty crappy having to go home shortly after the LP on Day 2 (since the chemo would have been in the morning).

They did the LP under XRay so they could get in just right. It took about an hour and half in all, but probably about only 30 Min with the actual gear in my back. There was a lot of procedural stuff to slow it down - having to bring someone from the Leukemia ward down with the Chemo to supervise and approve the injection.

Oh, yeah, and complete the request so that they would actually be doing a spinal fluid draw - the whole point of the thing.

After the proceedure, they wheeled me up to the LMBT Ward, and there was a bed waiting for me. That's where I vegged out for the rest of day 3 (and got some Chemo). A very long day.

Day 4 was uneventful. I bit of nausea in the morning, but by the time I got there the headache and general crappies were starting. The headache is caused from a shifting of the spinal fluid. To much and I might have a leak, and then shit goes bad.

I don't, and it didn't.

Day 5 was when it hit - hard. I was pretty nauseous on the ride in, and by the time I arrived it was like a full on nasty flu had hit. I got in, closed the blinds, did my status, and then pretty much just became a vegetable for the rest of the day.

Day 6 - Last day of Chemo - Today
Still crappy, but getting in early helped. Not able to really eat anything, and the tastebuds are gone again. It's all just the blurry waiting for everything to end kinda time.

My numbers are falling, but slow. The itchiness is back, and resultant cuts/sores from that are starting to show. The goal now is NOT to get a feaver, and NOT be brought back in for 7 straight days of intense antibiotics. Far worse then the Chemo.

About a week ago, I shaved the last of the beard off - the few hairs were looking pretty pathetic. Something weird happened, and the Goatee has come back with a vengeance. Super dense.

The chemo has seemed to put a halt to it, but it was very strange to have my eyebrows and eyelashes coming out at the same time as the once dead beard was having it's second coming.

Sorry for the lack of updates - these two weeks are pretty hard to focus on anything.


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