I feel pretty good - and SOME AMAZING NEWS !

So, I was in today for my blood work after being away for almost a week now.

They are eager to start my Chemo next week.
I wasn't planing on starting until after labour day.
I had asked one of the doctors earlier if it would be ok waiting until after labour day.
They had said it would be ok.
Now they don't know if it will be ok.
Mom doesn't come back until the day after labour day.
They are still deciding.
We will work it out either way.
It looks hopeful that it will start the day after labour day.

I got quite the stern lecture from "The French Doctor" that had given me the "Stupid Young Men" talk earlier. I guess she felt that I hadn't quite listened good enough the first time around, since I went to the Waterslides last week. Going to the waterslides was, of course, risky. Not because of my white count, but because of the "Portal into my inards" that is the Hickman Line.

Yada Yada Yada, bacteria into the line, internal direct infection, life threatening, weeks of antibiotics to recover, delaying chemo, leukemia comes back, etc.etc.

Anyway - I watched that I stayed as dry as I could there - you saw the pictures. I still have to shower every day, and it gets a lot wetter from that, which is very little. The water is heavily chlorinated, and I wasn't in the hot tub.

She tried the "Wouldn't you like to be around to see your kids graduate ?"

On the way home, I thought more about it.
I have a 70% chance of this working, and being in remission 2 /5 years later.
If it doesn't work, I have a 30% chance of further treatments working, and still being here in 2/5 years.

Those are pretty good numbers - BUT, they are not 100%. They are still way lower then the chances of getting killed on a daily basis from all the risky things we do every day.

So. There is a chance, greater then the rest of the general population, that I will not be around for when they graduate anyway. This is reality.

So, yes, I would do it again, and I don't regret spending a really good day risky day with my family, because I am living a risky life already.

Should I now start riding motorcycles and jumping out of airplanes ? No, that's just stupid.

Ok, I have kept you all in suspense long enough.

A Rant, followed by the AMAZING NEWS!!!

Some of you are well aware that I am, and have always been, very suspicious of the crap a corporation will do to us all for a dollar. Hey guess what - I got leukemia, and one that is most likely caused by environmental factors. You're not paranoid if they ARE out to get you.

One of the things I really hate to see creeping into everything we eat is Sodium Benzoate. By itself it is supposed to be, probably, safe. Like BPA.

Anyway, Sodium Benzoate, along with Ascorbic Acid, shaken, not stirred, left on a shelf, and looked at the wrong way, can break down and leave Benzene floating around in your food.

Benzene is a known cause of Leukemia. Oops..

Schweppes, along with quite a few soft drink (Pop, Soda, etc.) makers found this out quite a while back, and quietly fixed their formulas to not include ascorbic acid (Vitamin C). That is why you don't see this combo in many beverages any more - or rather you don't see it in the beverages made by various large corporations that got the secret memo. They did do it for quite some time, and technically they are still allowed to do it.

Sodium Benzoate has now started to show up in pretty much just about EVERYTHING.

Check a few of your packages - if it's liquidy, it probably has Sodium/Potasium Benzoate in it.
It is very hard to find stuff without it - and I look. Remember I am crazy paranoid.
Lets hope they all got the memo.

The Amazing News ?
I have been unable to find pop without this crap. Until today. I happened to look at the no name Presidents Choice New Wave Cola Cola I bought for myself (Yes, people still smoke even though they know it's bad), and guess what - NO FUNKY SHIT !

Carbonated Water, Sugar, Caramel Colour, Phosphoric Acid, Citric Acid, Natural Flavour, Caffine.

THAT'S IT - Just like it was back in the 70's . Phosphoric Acid is not great, but at least it has been used for a VERY long time, and we know what effects it has on the body. It's used to provide the same "Tang" as the Citric acid, but at a lower cost.

Guess what - it tastes ok.
It survived in the can.
I bought it.
I drank it.

So, the $64,000 question is :

Why are all the other pop makers paying to put all this extra crap into the pop - possibly causing their clients to get sick - when there is no need (as proved by PC New Wave Cola) to put it in ?

What is the motive ?

Things that make you go "Hummmm"


Anonymous said…
it's amazing the rubbish we put in our mouths without even realizing it. i don't have leukemia myself but feel horrible all the time and realized alot of processed foods have things our bodies just don't need. good to see you taking charge of your health! the more you take charge the less helpless you feel.


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