Day 30 - Last full day in T15 ?

We'll have to see how it all pans out, but the current plan is to be discharged to the Cancer Lodge tomorrow. The room is booked and hopefully everything will work out for a visit back home over the weekend.

Again, everything is day by day since the pitfalls of the transplant can hit at any time, and make me pretty sick, and even put me back in the hospital. Day by day.


Anonymous said…
Great news Richard -- hope it works out for you ... Keeping our fingers crossed for you -- Big Hugs from Aunt Mary & Uncle Murray
Anonymous said…
That's awesome to hear! Hope it all pans out. Does that mean you lose the multi-million dollar! Ryan
Can't wait to see you, Babe.
Tony said…
Great to hear Richard!!!
So glad to see you feeling and doing better!!
Let me know if there is anything I can do!

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