Day 26 - Parting is such sweet sorrow

Numbers are good - 3.7 White, 93 Red, and 101 Platelets.  If everything goes as planned, my numbers are pretty much going to be heading back to a normal person over the next few months, so I am not going to bother mentioning them any more unless something goes wrong.

Sonja was over for an extended stay from Thursday night until lunchtime today.  I was missing her something fierce, so it was real good to have her around.  Just having her in the same room is so good.

The snow came late on Saturday night, and made for a very nice view out the window.  By the morning the rain had "slushy crapped" on everything so it wasn't near as pretty.

My throat is slowly getting better, and I am trying to eat some normal food.  Getting off the IV food and taking the pill versions of my meds are the only things keeping me in the hospital now.  Saturday night the last of my IV meds becomes a pill, and I am hoping they switch me to 1/2 IV food for tonight's dose as well.  It's the weekend, so chances are it will stay full dose until Monday.

If everything goes as planned, they will be letting me out sometime early next week.

I have a bit of a rash starting on my right arm which could be just from the very dry air (my hands are a mess from washing/dry air), or it could be a sign of a Graph vs Host issue, so let us all keep our fingers crossed on that one.

Mom is coming out on Monday, weather permitting.

I am missing Sonja already, but her and the boys will be out for a visit tomorrow after the Santa pictures - again, weather permitting.  It's been awhile since I have seen the boys, so I am looking forward to that.


Just so you know, it's Saturday today... the snow happened on Friday night.

I know you've lost track of what day it is again.

love you!
Anonymous said…
Hi Richard! Glad to hear that you are slowly starting to feel better. I had a great chat with your mom on Friday. Just want you to know that there are candles lit and prayers said for you in Egypt and Spain. Take care, Elva
Anonymous said…
Fingers, toes and every other part crossed for you....... Talked to your Mom yesterday via Sykpe -- she was visiting Dad. It was great to see her. Wonderful to hear from you and hope you continue getting back your strength and health. Big hugs and lots of positive energy coming your way as always... Lots of love Aunt Mary & Uncle Murray
Unknown said…
Great News Richard! Glad things are moving along and you are starting to feel better.

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