Day 17 - Hey, it's Saturday.

Ok, it's official.  I have been in here too long now, as I no longer know what day of the week it is.

I seems the graft is starting to settle in.  The white count is up to 0.7, and the others are falling very slow.  The platelets might be gaining, but I had a transfusion yesterday so it's hard to tell.  (I don't have the 'post transfusion' counts).

I am NOT feeling much better though.  I am still sleeping/zoned out/etc. through the day, and having crazy dreams, etc. and uncomfortable sleeps through the night. 

It hurts to swallow.  So, when your crazy thirsty at night, because you have been sleeping with your mouth open, because your nose is blocked up from not being able to blow it due of nose bleeds, you are in for a world of hurt.

I have managed to build up enough get up and go to get the computer on to post on the blog, check facebook, and put some audio-books onto my mp3 player.

My blood sugar level was a bit high in my morning blood tests, so for the short term I have been put on closer watch, and insulin injections.  I have been told that this is very common, but I am not pleased.   I am going to have to try doing more walk in place exercises, etc.


So glad to see you feeling well enough to get the computer out.

Thinking about you, Babe.
Al & Bren said…
welcome back !!! it is nice to hear from you again!
Tony said…
Hey Richard,
Glad to see you back online too!! Yaaaa Neutrophils, Go Leukocytes Go!! Come on Hemoglobin!!! Platelets, Platelets, Platelets, (or as my italian mom used to call them 'piglets') LOL
Sorry I haven't been by lately but I've been feeling a little under the weather so I didn't want to bring you any unwelcomed presents!! Lolita (you met her with me at Light The Night) says hello and asks how you are everyday at work. I've given her your blog address as well (your developing a following!!)
Keep getting better, we're all with you!!!!!
Ciao for now!!
Anonymous said…
Hey Richard,

Glad to hear from you! Thinking about you and the fam.


Anonymous said…
Richard must be getting better beacause he is now a smart ass!!!forgot to tell me about high blood sugars so I just called him to see if I should still go to the Island tomorrow for a few days. His reply was yes, UNLESS i had the magic touch instead of insulin, invented a pressure bandaid for nosebleeds, and found the cure for hiccups caused form chemo, that I should take a break. So, I will head home tomorrow.TONY- Loved the book. What a hoot!!! Thx from Richard's Mommy
Anonymous said…
It's good to 'hear your voice" so to speak on the blog...Not that we haven't been enjoying Sonja's updates, but your dry humour makes us laugh! and Hey, one condition is enough...You are NOT allowed to be diabetic too!

Kim and Nathan

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