Wow. Today was nasty. Tossed and turned most of the night, and then barfing in the morning. Nothing to come out, just there to taunt me, and let me know who's boss. Then there was the tightness of the chest, and some pain in my arm. Well, that started a flury of activity. ECG, blood work, etc. ECG looks good, there were some blood signed that the heart might have been in distress. They will be putting me on some drugs to help my heart mellow out just in case. It's all fine now, but they are being on the safe side. Tired. So very tired today. I slept most of the day, and I am only now getting into doing some stuff on the computer. Catching up with work, blog, etc. I don't have my totals for today, but the platelets and red blood cells mean I will probably be getting a transfusion tomorrow. I got to have a shower today - Yippie ! My last bag of the nasty "Red Koolaid" of death was today, so only the one Chemo drug left on tap. Still a potent brew at that, bu...
Karyn Vigelius
good on you Richard!!