..and the beat goes on..

I was in on Tuesday for a bunch o' stuff.

Eye doc was up first.  I still have the "Spot" in my left eye.  It has remained the same size.  They were running about an hour late, so there wasn't enough time for them to put the drops in my eyes (dentist appointment next) so he couldn't get a better look. 

He was unable to see the blood plume from the hemorrhage though, so chances are that the cells around the hemorrhage have been damaged, and that is what is causing the spot.  I am back next month for another look.

Next was the Cancer Agency Dentist to finish the temporary filling they put in.  It was lower in the gum line then they remembered, so it took a bit longer to fill, and they had to use many layers of composite filling material.

Then some lunch, and waiting around for the next appointment with my Primary, Dr. Neville.  He checked me all over, everything looks good.  Most of the issue are just the remains of chemo, and will take a few months for my body to cycle them out.  He did comment on my "living well" over Christmas - I am going to have to back off on the calories a bit ;)


Unknown said…
Hi Richard, I am a friend of Sonja's.

your post made me think of something similiar, after I had been discharged I went crazy eating as well, so much so that Dr. Song asked me if I was pregnant upon a return visit! I said no and he was embarrassed... Dr. Neville still gives me a hard time about my weight, 9.5 years later!!

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