As the world turns...

I went in for my bi monthly visit with Dr. Nevill on Tuesday.

My status is as expected.  Some things are still too low / too high compared to a normal dude, but they are all within the normal for someone who just finished quite a few rounds of maximum dose chemo a few months ago.

I met with the eye doctor last month.  No change, and there probably will not ever be one.  That section of my retina just gone.  It doesn't really affect my day to day life, and the brain just works around it by using the view from the other eye.

I suppose if I ever loose vision in my right eye, then it will become a bit of a pisser though ;)

I go for an ultrasound next week, and chances are there will be nothing unexpected in that it will look the same as it did every other time.  Spots that might be fungus or scarring, and now we will just be assuming it is scarring, and I will be coming off the anti-fungal drugs.


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