
Showing posts from May, 2011

Don't tase me bro !

So, went in for the EGC tests today.  They wire you up and basically electrocute you in various points to check your 'wiring' to make sure everything is working ok. It's part of the on going testing to figure out why my hands and feet still have sometimes annoyingly serious 'pins & needles' sensations.  I personally feel it is the Cyclosporin, and it continues to point to that, but the Dr.'s want to be certain. After many 'electro shocks' they feel that everything is working as far as the wiring is concerned.  I am pretty certain now that I would not enjoy being tasered.

Always keep an edge on your knife.

Sooo, what's up ? Saw Dr. N last week on Wednesday afternoon.  The appointment was for 4, and I got in about 5:30.  I was in at LBMT before that for bloodwork.  If everything goes well and I stay the course, that will be my last visit to the LBMT.  I am now going to the local clinic weekly for a full bloodworkup. I am back in to see Dr. N on the 24th, and in to see the Neurologist on the 12th to see if they can figure out what is the deal with the pins & needles I continue to get in my hands and feet.  Sometimes it's pretty bad. I am still on the same drug dosages from my last visit, so no movement there, but no further GVHD signs either.  Creatine was creeping up a bit last week, so they want me to make sure I drink more. I've been forcing myself to do more physical activity.  I jumped up a few days ago to try and see something on a top shelf, and quickly realized how much the prednisone has messed up my upper leg muscles.  It's an up...