Ha ! I knew it !!
I knew it ! http://www.bmj.com/content/346/bmj.f2424 Summary : "Surgeries on Friday Are More Frequently Fatal ... compared to those who opt for really bad Mondays" There is a reason the blog's url is "Bite Me Friday" ! See : http://bitemefriday.blogspot.ca/2009/07/pretty-basic-friday-stuff-in-3d.html http://bitemefriday.blogspot.ca/2009/06/its-friday.html http://bitemefriday.blogspot.ca/2011/02/just-cant-get-enough.html http://bitemefriday.blogspot.ca/2009/07/guess-what-its-friday.html And let's not forget : http://bitemefriday.blogspot.ca/2009/06/fridays-suck.html Other than that, I am still alive and doing good. I still see an oncologist every 3 months now, and there is some super minor GVHD symptoms (dry skin/rash on head/chest) but I don't need to take anti-rejection drugs, etc. Also, we have found out some information about the donor. I will not say more than that as she has provided her info to me, not you ;) I will post an u...