
Showing posts from 2013

3 year old Lethargic Old Man

...I had to think of a good opposite to 'bouncing baby boy'. Happy 3rd Birthday to me ! Three years ago today, I received my Stem Cell transplant.  I seem to be so far going good ! News over the last year ? Nothing too exciting.  I am now down to every 6 months between checkups with my oncologist and they feel everything is going very well.  I am getting monthly phlebotomy where they take out a pint of blood, and chuck it into the wastebin.  The reason is to try and lower my iron levels which are crazy high due to all the blood transfusions. The GVHD symptoms have been benign, and result in very dry flaky skin on the head and face.  My hair while very fast growing is just too thin to let grow long.  After it get about a cm long, it just looks horrible, like I am a cancer patient.  Keeping the hair also winds up making the GVHD rashes on my scalp worse.  I just shave it daily now. Other than that, everything is good, and I am one ...

Ha ! I knew it !!

I knew it ! Summary : "Surgeries on Friday Are More Frequently Fatal ... compared to those who opt for really bad Mondays" There is a reason the blog's url is "Bite Me Friday" ! See : And let's not forget : Other than that, I am still alive and doing good.  I still see an oncologist every 3 months now, and there is some super minor GVHD symptoms (dry skin/rash on head/chest) but I don't need to take anti-rejection drugs, etc. Also, we have found out some information about the donor.  I will not say more than that as she has provided her info to me, not you ;) I will post an u...